Joseph Pulitzer

Publisher from New York

About Pulitzer

Pulitzer is a free blog theme designed for writers, with special consideration given to sites with newsletters.

In addition to a minimal design with a carefully considered layout and beautiful typography, Pulitzer comes with a bunch of handy features for writers, including:

  • A reading time indicator.
  • Four different archive layouts to choose from.
  • Complete page patterns for your resume, newsletter, contact page, and archive page.
  • Like and share buttons on single posts.
  • A newsletter subscribe form in the footer.
  • Block specific styles like this checkmark list.

The like/share buttons and subscribe form require the Jetpack plugin to be active and the Subscription feature to be enabled.

Pulitzer is named after the Hungarian-American journalist, publisher and congressman Joseph Pulitzer. He owned the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the New York World, but his lasting legacy is the Pulitzer Prize, which was established through endowments in his will to recognize achievements in journalism.